
Introduction to Veganism

Adopting a Vegan Lifestyle

Vegans believe, that animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on or use for entertainment. This belief stems from their compassion and reverence for all sentient beings. A vegan lifestyle not only alleviates animal sufferings; it is better for the environment and immensely benefits one’s health.

Leather, wool, fur, reptile skins, ivory, musk scent have been extracted from animals that once bore them for their own protection. But, you can buy cruelty-free plant fiber/synthetic alternatives, readily available at all stores. Non-leather shoes are available, as are handbags and belts.

From this principle follows the specific actions, such as not eating animal flesh, dairy, eggs or honey; not buying leather, wool or silk, avoiding products made by companies that test on animals or have animal ingredients, avoiding zoos and animal based circuses.

By not consuming the product that come from animal exploitation, each individual is making a statement against inhumane practice, undertaking as economic boycott, and supporting the production of vegan products with their subsequent choices. These decisions and the message they send to others, help to move society from industries that use animals as a means to human ends.

Advantages of a Vegan Lifestyle

From the first, you will find that your resistance is better to common cold and fevers. This is because dairy products reduce immunity. Over the long term, medicine has proved that you will have less than half the risk of developing heart disease, respiratory disorders, osteoporosis or even cancer ! ( Read The Food Revolution, John Robbins, now available in India)

Making the Change to a Vegan Diet

For an Indian vegetarian, giving up milk and dairy products is the biggest decision, But remember that you will be relieving that suffering of thousands of dairy cows and calves who will end up in the slaughter-houses within the first 5 years of their lives, or when the mil yield diminishes.

Soya milk, coconut milk and peanut milk are all alternatives available in India, but it is easier to make small lifestyle changes instead. If you have lemon tea or mint tea instead of adding milk, the change to veganism is hardly noticeable.

It takes an average of 40 days for a lifestyle change to become a habit.

“The animals of the world exist for there own reasons. They were not made for humans any more that black people were made for white, or woman created for men.”
Alice Walker, Author of “The Color Purple”

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