
Happy Christmas..... (25 Dec 2009 )

Happy Merry Christmas Wishes to All ......

With best Regards,

Shalabh Gupta


Someone has said:......

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”


"लहरों की तरह चलना है निरंतर...."

भगवान् ने हमें मनुष्य रूप प्रदान किया है। मनुष्य होने के कारण हमें यह स्वतंत्रता मिली है, कि हम अपनी राहें ख़ुद चुनें। जीवन के सही उद्देश्य को समझते हुए ख़ुद का मूल्यांकन करें। जीवन में सकारात्मक विचारों का समावेश और उनका क्रियान्वयन ही सही अर्थों में "हमारी स्वतंत्रता" है। नकारत्मक विचार हमारे पैरों में ज़ंजीर बन कर हमें आगे बढने से रोक लेते हैं। और हमारा जीवन "किंतु-परन्तु" का गुलाम होकर रह जाता है।

जीवन लहरों की तरह है। कुछ लहरें को किनारा मिल जाता है और कुछ लहरें रास्ते में ही दम तोड़ देतीं हैं। जो लोग अपनी मंजिल तक पहुँच जाते हैं, वह "ख़ास" हो जाते हैं। वरना "आम" लोगों की तरह भीड़ में खो जाते हैं।

जब हम जीवन में विषम परिस्थितियों से गुज़र रहे होते हैं। तभी हमें जीवन के वास्तविक अर्थ का पता चलता है।

हमारे जीवन का लक्ष्य क्या है ? हम अपने द्वारा बनाये गए प्रश्नों में उलझ कर रह जाते हैं। हमें इस प्रश्नों की परिधि से बाहर आकर , ख़ुद का आत्ममंथन करना है।

जीवन के कठिन पलों में भी हमें सुख के पलों को तलाश करना है। जीवन में सही रास्ते का चयन करते हुए , अपने जीवन को सार्थक बनाना है।

लहरों की तरह चलना है निरंतर , एक जनून ख़ुद में पैदा करना है , किनारे तक पहुँचने का .... अपनी मंजिल पर पहुँचने के लिए ख़ुद के लिए सही राहें चुनने का ।



My Dear Friends,
Today I would like to share a story with you….
This is a good story and is true, please read it all the way through until the end!
A Complete Story:-----
"I am a mother of three (ages 14, 12, 3) and have recently completed my college degree. The last class I had to take was Sociology. The teacher was absolutely inspiring with the qualities that I wish every human being had been graced with. Her last project of the term was called, 'Smile.' The class was asked to go out and smile at three people and document their reactions. I am a very friendly person and always smile at everyone and say hello anyway. So, I thought this would be a piece of cake, literally.
Soon after we were assigned the project, my husband, youngest son, and I went out to McDonald's one crisp March morning. It was just our way of sharing special playtime with our son. We were standing in line, waiting to be served, when all of a sudden everyone around us began to back away, and then even my husband did. I did not move an inch.... an overwhelming feeling of panic welled up inside of me as I turned to see why they had moved. As I turned around I smelled a horrible 'dirty body' smell, and there standing behind me were two poor homeless men. As I looked down at the short gentleman, close to me, he was 'smiling'. His beautiful sky blue eyes were full of God's Light as he searched for acceptance. He said, 'Good day' as he counted the few coins he had been clutching. The second man fumbled with his hands as he stood behind his friend. I realized the second man was mentally challenged and the blue-eyed gentleman was his salvation.
I held my tears as I stood there with them. The young lady at the counter asked him what they wanted. He said, 'Coffee is all Miss' because that was all they could afford. (If they wanted to sit in the restaurant and warm up, they had to buy something. He just wanted to be warm). Then I really felt it - the compulsion was so great I almost reached out and embraced the little man with the blue eyes.
That is when I noticed all eyes in the restaurant were set on me, judging my every action.I smiled and asked the young lady behind the counter to give me two more breakfast meals on a separate tray. I then walked around the corner to the table that the men had chosen as a resting spot. I put the tray on the table and laid my hand on the blue-eyed gentleman's cold hand. He looked up at me, with tears in his eyes, and said, 'Thank you.' I leaned over, began to pat his hand and said, 'I did not do this for you. God is here working through me to give you hope.' I started to cry as I walked away to join my husband and son. When I sat down my husband smiled at me and said, 'That is why God gave you to me, Honey, to give me hope.”We held hands for a moment and at that time, we knew that only because of the Grace that we had been given were we able to give. We are not church goers, but we are believers. That day showed me the pure Light of God's sweet love. I returned to college, on the last evening of class, with this story in hand.
I turned in 'my project' and the instructor read it. Then she looked up at me and said, 'Can I share this?' I slowly nodded as she got the attention of the class. She began to read and that is when I knew that we as human beings and being part of God share this need to heal people and to be healed. In my own way I had touched the people at McDonald's, my son, the instructor, and every soul that shared the classroom on the last night I spent as a college student.
I graduated with one of the biggest lessons I would ever learn:
Much love and compassion is sent to each and every person who may read this and learn how to:

With Best Regards,
Shalabh Gupta


"हमारी मुंबई को सलाम" !

"हमारी मुंबई को सलाम" !
"हमारे मुंबई वासियों के जज्बे को सलाम" !
सबसे पहले , सभी शहीदों को हम सबकी तरफ़ से शत: शत: नमन है ! 26/11 2008 मानो कल ही ही घटना है हम सबके लिए । क्या सीखा है हमने इस एक वर्ष में ?
हाँ, इतना ज़रूर हुआ है कि इस बीते वर्ष में कोई दूसरी बड़ी आतंकवादी घटना नहीं हुई है। क्या हम और हमारी सरकार जागरूक हुई है इस आतंकवाद पर या इस आतंक के जन्मदाता हमारे पड़ोसी देश के ख़ुद ही आतंक के गिरफ्त में आ जाने का परिणाम है यह । शायद उसके देश में लगातार हो रहे आतंकी हमलों ने उसकी आतंकी मंसूबों की रफ़्तार को धीमा किया है ।
सबका मूल प्रश्न एक ही है " आतंकवाद का खात्मा होना" भारत से ही नहीं, बल्कि पूरी दुनिया से " । लेकिन हमें, इस बाहर के आतंकवाद के साथ-साथ अपने देश के अन्दर पनप रही "भाषा और क्षेत्र के नाम पर हम भारतीयों को बांटने वाली इस देशद्रोही विचारधारा के ख़िलाफ़ भी एक जुट होकर खड़ा होना है " जो हमें एक दूसरे से अलग -अलग करना चाहती है ।
आज के दिन हम सब मिल कर यह शपथ लें, "कि सबसे पहले हम "भारतीय मानुस" है । हमें एक साथ ही रहना है , जब तक हम सब अन्दर से शक्तिशाली नहीं होंगे, बाहर के इस आतंकवाद का मुकाबला कैसे कर पायेगें ?
एक जुट हुए बिना आतंक वाद का मुकाबला करना असंभव है ।


"जीवन एक अनंत यात्रा है...."

जीवन एक अनंत यात्रा है। जब तक यह जीवन है , चलते रहना है। हजारों किलोमीटर लम्बी यात्रा के लिए भी सबसे पहले "एक कदम" बढाना ज़रूरी है। और यात्रा पूरी होने के लिए भी आखरी "एक कदम" भी ज़रूरी है। कहने का तात्पर्य यह है कि हम सबको यात्रा के शुरू करने से लेकर पूरी होने तक गतिमान रहना है। हौसला नहीं छोड़ना है।

कहते हैं, हम इंसानों के पास सब कुछ है बस "सब्र" नहीं है। और यही हम सबको "निराशा" की ओर ले जाता है। जीवन को कल-कल करता हुआ एक झरना बनाना है ठहरा हुआ तालाब का पानी नहीं।


My mistake...............

Dear friends,

A man should never be ashamed to say he has been in the wrong, which is but saving in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.


Shalabh Gupta


“Attitude makes the difference.”

In rain, all birds occupy shelter but eagle is the one, that avoids the rain by flying above the clouds.

Problem is common to all but attitude makes the difference.


A lovely thought ......

"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is when relationship dies between two people , while they are still alive."


"कृष्ण जन्माष्टमी"

श्री कृष्ण भारतीय संस्कृति के मूलाधार हैं। उनकी हर लीला में एक संदेश है। श्री कृष्ण जन्माष्टमी पर देश के सभी देवालय कृष्णमय हो जाते हैं।

"सम्पूर्णता का दर्शन" करने के लिए कृष्ण के जीवन को समझना अत्यन्त आवश्यक है। यह जन्माष्टमी मनाना इसलिए भी ज़रूरी है कि हमे याद आये कि अपने भीतर अभी उतना ही अन्धकार है जितना कृष्ण का जन्म होने से पहले उसके माता-पिता के घर में था।

जीवन के सही अर्थों को समझने के लिए मन के अन्दर की जन्माष्टमी को मनाना बहुत ज़रूरी है। यह जन्माष्टमी कौन मना सकता है ? जिसके ह्रदय में कृष्ण चेतना मौजूद हो। कृष्ण यानी एक पूर्ण व्यक्तित्त्व । कृष्ण एक सम्पूर्ण पुरूष जो काम करते हैं पूरा करते हैं, अधूरा कुछ नहीं।

आइये , हम सब मिल कर कृष्ण जन्माष्टमी मनाएँ !


"श्रेष्ठ जनों की सदभावना"

महाभारत युद्घ का पहला दिन था। दोनों सेनायें आमने- सामने खड़ी थीं। युद्घ बस, होने ही वाला था। तभी सबने देखा कि युधिष्ठर बिना शस्त्र कौरव सेना की ओर बढ़ रहे हैं। कुछ ने सोचा, कहीं युधिष्ठर युद्घ से डर तो नहीं गए। कोई संधि प्रस्ताव लेकर तो नहीं जा रहें हैं।

अर्जुन ने भी भगवान् कृष्ण से पूछा, युधिष्ठर को शत्रु के खेमे में जाने की क्या जरुरत है। श्रीकृष्ण ने कहा , अर्जुन युधिष्ठर ने बड़े गुरुजनों का सम्मान कर आधा संग्राम पहले ही जीत लिया है। कौरवों के बड़े आचार्यों की सदभावना तुम्हारे लिए है। बस धनुष उठाओ और आधा संग्राम भी जीत लो। हम सब जानते हैं कि अंत में जीत पांडवों की ही हुई।

आभार - अमर उजाला समाचार पत्र


"अश्वमेघ यज्ञ"

भगवान् श्रीराम ने "अश्वमेघ यज्ञ" का आयोजन किया । अश्व का विधिवत पूजन करने के बाद उन्होंने अपने भ्राता शत्रुघ्न को सदल-बल अश्व के साथ रवाना कर दिया। भरतजी को देश भर से यज्ञ में भाग लेने आने वाले अतिथियों के स्वागत सत्कार का दायित्व सौंप दिया।

श्रीराम ने अपने प्रिय भ्राता लक्ष्मण से कहा, भैया इस यज्ञ में आये हुए समस्त ऋषि-मुनि , सन्यासी - ब्राहमण , राजागण , गृहस्थ , वानप्रस्थ आदि को पूर्ण संतुष्ट रखने का दायित्व तुम्हारा है। यज्ञ का आयोजक होने के नाते हमारा यह दायित्व है कि सभी को सेवा के माध्यम से प्रसन्न और संतुष्ट रखा जाए। इसलिए जो भी अभ्यागत जो-जो कामना करे, वे जो-जो चाहें , तुम उन्हें वह सब मुझसे बिना पूछे ही दे देना। किसी को निराश नहीं करना। यज्ञ का एक उद्देश्य यह भी होता है, कि प्रजा के तमाम लोग पूर्ण तृप्त और संतुष्ट हों।

कुछ क्षण रूककर श्रीराम ने कहा , यदि कोई तुमसे अयोध्या भी मांग ले, कामधेनु की इच्छा करे, मणि-माणिक्य की अभिलाषा व्यक्त करे , तो भी उसे निराश करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है।

श्री लक्ष्मण जी, श्री राम की उदारता देखकर हतप्रभ रह गये। भरत और लक्ष्मण जी ने यज्ञ में आये सभी अतिथियों की ऐसी सेवा की, कि प्रत्येक व्यक्ति वहां से पूर्ण संतुष्ट होकर ही लौटा।

आभार : श्री शिव कुमार गोयल


"जे.आर. डी. टाटा - (29 July 1904 - 29 Nov. 1993)"

श्री जे.आर. डी. टाटा कहते हैं :

"अगर मुझमे कोई योग्यता है तो वह है लोगों को साथ लेकर चलना, उनके तौर-तरीकों और स्वभावों को समझते हुए .... कई बार आपको ख़ुद को दबाना पड़ता है, यह पीड़ादायी होता है, मगर ज़रूरी भी होता है... एक लीडर बनने के लिए आपको अपने लोगों का नेतृत्व स्नेह के साथ करना पड़ता है। "


"कारगिल विजय" के दस वर्ष ....

कल "कारगिल विजय" को दस वर्ष बीत गए। हम, आप और सभी भारतवासियों ने अपनी भीगी पलकों के साथ सभी कारगिल के शहीदों को शत-शत नमन करते हुए श्रधांजलि अर्पित की । धन्य है हमारी भारत भूमि और धन्य हैं वह माताएँ जिन्होंने ऐसे वीरों को जन्म दिया।

लेकिन, शायद आज दस वर्ष बीत जाने के बाद भी हमने "कारगिल युद्घ " से कोई सबक नहीं लिया है। वरना "26/11" जैसी घटनाएँ कभी नहीं होती।

हमारे पड़ोसी मित्र, अगर मिलाना है तो दिल से दिल मिला । यूँ बेमन से हाथ मिलाना ठीक नहीं। वे मित्रताएं , जहाँ दिल नहीं मिलते हैं , बड़ी ऊँची आवाज से टूटती हैं। "कारगिल" और "26/11" की घटनाएं इसका ज्वलंत उदाहरणहै। इतनी "सहनशीलता" और "उदारता" आखिर कब तक ?


"प्रत्येक मनुष्य योग्य बने - इच्छा करने की कोई ज़रूरत नहीं"

स्वामी राम तीर्थ कहते हैं - जो ईंट दीवार के योग्य होगी वह चाहे जहाँ पड़ी हो, एक ना एक दिन अवश्य दीवार में लगाने के लिए उठा ली जायेगी।

इस प्रकार , प्रत्येक मनुष्य योग्य बने - इच्छा करने की कोई ज़रूरत नहीं । यदि पात्र होगा तो यह दैवी नियम है कि उसे सब चीजे अवश्य मिल जायेगीं ।

यदि कोई दीपक जल रहा है तो जलता रहे , पतंगों को बुलाने की आवश्यकता नहीं। पतंगें स्वयं ही दीपक को आ घेरेंगें।


"जय बम भोले ... जय बम भोले ... जय बम भोले"

आज , आपको एक बार फिर हम "हरिद्वार" ले चलते हैं। आपसे अनुरोध है कि कुछ देर के लिए आप भी मेरे साथ इस यात्रा पर चलें, आपको एक सुखद अनुभूति होगी।

जैसा कि आप जानते हैं कि इस समय सावन के पवित्र सोमवार चल रहे हैं। इस मौके पर "हरिद्वार" से लाखों की संख्या में लोग गंगा से पवित्र जल ले कर आते हैं। कई सौ किलोमीटर की लम्बी पैदल यात्रा करते हुए सोमवार को अपने-अपने शहर के मंदिरों में उस जल से भगवान् शिव का अभिषेक करते हैं।

जी हाँ, आपने बिल्कुल सही पहचाना , मैं आपसे भोले बाबा के भक्तों की बात कर रहा हूँ, जिन्हें हम "काँवरिया" कहते हैं। अपने कन्धों पर गंगा का जल भर कर लाते हैं। "बम भोले" की गूँज से इन दिनों सारे शहरों का वातावरण गुंजायमान रहता है।

बहुत से लोग तो नगें पैर ही चलते रहते हैं। पैरों में छाले पड़ जाते हैं। परन्तु , भक्त अपने कन्धों से "कांवर " भी नहीं उतारते हैं। भोले बाबा के नाम की शक्ति जो उनके साथ चलती रहती है।"आस्था" और "विश्वास" का अद्धभुत संगम हैं ये बाबा के भक्तगण।

भगवा वस्त्र पहने हुए, कंधे पर गंगाजल से भरी हुई "कांवर" और भोले बाबा की गूँज के साथ हरिद्वार से चल कर एक शहर से दूसरे शहर होते हुए भक्तों के बेड़े ह्रदय को अत्यन्त भावुक कर देते हैं। रास्ते में आने वाले शहर की सामजिक और धार्मिक संस्थाएं उनके भोजन की सारी व्यवस्थाएं देखतीं हैं।

भोले बाबा के प्रति भक्तों की भक्ति और समर्पण की भावना को हमारा शत-शत प्रणाम है।

"जय बम भोले"


A Successful and Peaceful Life

Always Smile,
Never Hate,
Don’t Worry,
Live Simple,
Expect a Little,
Give a Lot,
Aim Right,
Plan for Tomorrow,
Will to Achieve,
Confidence pays,
Have high ambition,
Target our Goal.

12 Lines, 12 Months,
A Successful and Peaceful Life.

Shalabh Gupta


"Some Good Thoughts"

When your associates change their minds, make sure you don’t change your mood.
To smile in the face of disaster is the result of a stable mind.
If you realize that everyone is an individual with his own unique part to play, then the power of tolerance is easy to develop.
Some people never mature because of a fear of aging, and some because they refuse to accept responsibility.
There is always a chance to change, but do you make the time to change.

Love & Peace,
Shalabh Gupta


"NO ONE can play your role better than you.."

Someone has said:

“Beautiful pictures are developed by negatives in a dark room, so if you see darkness in your life, that means God is making a beautiful picture for you.”

Remember that you are very special. NO ONE can play your role better than you.

Love & Peace,

Shalabh Gupta


The story of my experiments with truth - M.K.Gandhi

Now-a-days, I am reading “The story of my experiments with truth” or “An autobiography” of M.K. Gandhi ji. I am trying to understand the meaning of the each word in the book. I am sure, you have read this book too. Really, his life is a message to all of us.
I am feeling some changes in my attitude and behavior. The every page of the book gives me new experience.
I would like to share some inspiring and motivating thoughts of Gandhi ji with you in my coming letters.

Gandhi ji told, “I am nothing new to teach the world. Truth and non-violence are as old as hills.

Love & Peace,
Shalabh Gupta


A heart touching story .....

While a man was polishing his new car, his 4 yr old son picked stone & scratched lines on the side of the car.

In anger, the man took the child's hand & hit it many times, not realizing he was using a wrench.

At the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures. When the child saw his father....with painful eyes he asked 'Dad when will my fingers grow back?'

Man was so hurt and speechless. He went back to car and kicked it a lot of times. Devastated by his own actions...... sitting in front of that car he looked at the scratches, child had written 'LOVE YOU DAD'. The next day that man committed suicide. . .

Anger and Love have no limits, Choose the latter to have a beautiful & lovely life .....

Always remember that: Things are to be used and people are to be loved, but the problem in today's world is that, People are used and things are loved.......

Love & Peace,

Shalabh Gupta

“P E R S O N A L I T Y”

Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
Don't over do. Keep your limits.
Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.Dream more while you are awake.
Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past.
That will ruin your resent happiness.
Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn.
Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
Smile and laugh more.
You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

Love & Peace,
Shalabh Gupta



Do the right thing!

Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

GOD heals everything.However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

The best is yet to come.

When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.

Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.

Love & Peace,

Shalabh Gupta


God is Great all the time; all the time God is Great!

I asked God to grant me patience. God said, No.
Patience is a byproduct of tribulations; it isn't granted, it is learned. I asked God to give me happiness. God said, No.
I give you blessings; Happiness is up to you.
I asked God to spare me pain. God said, No.
Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me.
I asked God to make my spirit grow. God said, No.
You must grow on your own, but I will prune you to make you fruitful. I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life. God said, No. I will give you life, so that you may enjoy all things.
I asked God to help me LOVE others, as much as He loves me. God said...Ahhhh, finally you have the idea.

"To the world you might be one person, but to one person you just might be the world"

Love & Peace.,

Shalabh Gupta


International Respect for Chickens Day - 4th May 2009

It is good news that many organizations are organizing an event in honor of the billions of chickens raised and slaughtered for food in India. All credit goes to Chetana Mirle.

Our society (Indian Vegan Society) is also organizing an event on this day. Our president Mr. Shankar ji, is doing his best efforts for the success of this event.

We know, its a small step. But I am sure. One day, we will be able to change the world.

I wish all the best to all organizations for 4th May (International Respect for Chickens Day)

Shalabh Gupta,

Member - Indian Vegan Society.


"Love is indeed a most powerful force"

Love is indeed a most powerful force. It can take us to great heights and leave us light and airy. True love is based on understanding, mutual trust and respect not simply on emotions. Love is selflessness.

We must allow our love to flow out and around us. By allowing our love to flow, we become moistened and remain forever fresh, attractive and healthy. Without love, all of lifes treasures are locked away from our vision and experiences, for indeed Love is the Key.

Every situation in life must be faced, and so why not face it with love? Happiness is lost when any thought of envy or hatred creeps in. Thoughts of love and good wishes cure sorrow.

In a bitter world, one drop of true love is an ocean in the desert. Love is a great power, but it takes power to have pure love.


Black-Bean Veggie Burgers ( Thanks to PETA)

Black-Bean Veggie Burgers

Spice up your grill with healthy black-bean veggie burgers.

2 Tbsp. olive oil , 1/2 cup diced red onion, 1/2 cup diced bell pepper

1 clove garlic minced, 1 jalapeño minced, 2 cups black beans

1/2 cup corn, 1/2 cup bread crumbs, 1/2 tsp. cumin

2 Tbsp. chopped cilantro, 1 tsp. salt, 1/2 cup flour

(1) In a saucepan over medium heat, in 1 tablespoon of the olive oil, sauté the onion, bell pepper, garlic, and jalapeño for 4 to 5 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside.
(2) In a mixing bowl, mash the black beans, then add the sautéed vegetables, corn, and bread crumbs and mix well. Season with cumin, cilantro, and salt and mix again.
(3) Shape into 6 patties, then coat each in flour.
(4) Place a pan over medium-high heat and add the remaining tablespoon of oil. Cook each patty for about 5 minutes on each side, or until lightly browned.
Makes 6 small patties


My "Dandi Visit"

Yesterday, I visited to “Dandi” place, where Gandhi ji came for “Salt Law” on 6th April 1930. “Dandi” is situated near costal area of Arabian sea (Distt. Navsaari 45 k.m. from Surat City- Gujrat State). It was my first visit with my friend Kalpesh Patel.

Gandhi ji started his “Dandi peach march” on 12th March 1930 from Sabarmati Ashram with 78 persons. He completed 291 miles distance and came here on 5th April 1930 evening. He stayed in “Saifee Villa” for one night and he broke the “Salt Law” on 6th April 1930.

After that , he stayed 20 days in Karadi Village (14th April to 4th May). The hut is there, where Gandhi ji stayed below mange tree. On 5th May, Gandhi ji was arrested by British police.

I visited all holy places. It was another very emotional experience for me.



Mere not-killing (the animals) is not enough (for this observance). The active art of Non-violence is Love.

The law of Love requires equal consideration for all life from the tiniest insect to the highest man. One who follows this law must not be angry even with the perpetrator of the greatest imaginable wrong, but must love him, wish him well and serve him.

Although he must thus love the wrong door, he must never submit to his wrong or his injustice, but must oppose it with all his might, and must patiently and without resentment suffer all the hardships to which the wrong doer may subject him in punishment for his opposition.

M. K. Gandhi


Veg Recipe from PETA (Thanks to PETA)

Savory Indian Samosas

Charm the taste buds of your friends and family members with this popular and delicious Indian snack—they'll definitely be back for seconds.

2 medium onions, minced
1 Tbsp. ground coriander
1/2 tsp. ground cumin
1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper
1/2 lb. thin-skinned potatoes, cubed
1 10-oz. pkg. frozen peas, thawed and drained
1/3 cup chopped fresh cilantro or parsley
Salt to taste
9 full sheets of phyllo (filo) pastry, thawed and kept covered
Oil for brushing tops

In a large, lightly oiled frying pan, sauté the onions until they are limp. Add the coriander, cumin and cayenne and sauté for 1 minute. Remove from heat and add the potatoes, peas and cilantro. Mix well and add salt to taste. Allow to cool.

Stack four sheets of phyllo together and cut into four rectangles with a pair of kitchen scissors or a sharp knife. Repeat with the remaining phyllo. You should have 36 rectangles. Keep the phyllo well covered with plastic wrap while you work.

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.

For each roll, place about 3 Tbsp. of filling in one corner of a rectangle of phyllo. Roll the filled corner toward the center, fold in the left and right corners, like an envelope, then roll up again. Cover the filled rolls with plastic wrap while you assemble the remaining rolls.

Place rolls, seam-side down, on lightly oiled cookie sheets. Brush the tops with oil and bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown. Serve hot.

Makes 36 samosas


Some major organizatons who promote a Veg*sm and Kindness in India.

PETA India
P.O. Box No 2 GPO , Pune 411 001 India Tel.: [+91] 020 -2605 8102
Universal No : 1860-233-4222Fax: [+91] 020-2605 8106
Web Site: http://www.petaindia.com/
Email: info@petaindia.org

People For Animals
14, Ashoka Road,
New Delhi -110001
Tel: 011-23357088
Fax: 011-23354321
Web Site: http://www.peopleforanimalsindia.org/

(Sanctuary for Health and Reconnection to Animals and Nature)
R.O.22, Matru Chhaya, 70,
Marine Drive, Mumbai – 400020
Tel: 022- 22814949
Website: http://www.sharan-india.org/
Email: nandita@sharan-india.org

Indian Vegan Society
P.O.Box-17, Byndoor – 576214
Udupi Dist., Karnataka

Mobile: 0091-9341128767
Email: indianvegansociety@rediffmail.com

Animal Rights Fund
Comfort Manor, 1st Floor,
No. 10/4-2, Kumara Krupa Road,
Bangalore – 560001
Tel: - 080-23449851.
Cell: - +91-98451 74630
Email: arfindia@gmail.com

Vegan Education Center
103, Shalimar Corporate Center
8, South Tukoganj,
Indore – 452001
Tel: 0731-2513824
Website: http://www.indianvegan.com/
Email : manish@indianvegan.com

International Vegan Trust
(Transforming people to veg*sm)
No.-35, 12th Main , Srinagar,
Bangalore- 560050
Email: goodheartvejji70@yahoo.co.in

Sadhana Forest
Aurovile – 605101
Tamilnadu, India
Tel: 0413- 2902655
Website: http://auroville.org/society/housing_s.htm
Email: sadhanaforest@auroville.org.in

Jain Doctor Forum
(Promoting Veg*sm for Better Health)
Janakpuri, Near Pani ki Tanki,
Ramghat Road,
Aligarh – U.P.
Ph: 09412877650 (Dr. Sneh Jain)
Email : snehlata_jainus@yahoo.com

Vana Chetana
Post Heddur – 577415
Tirthahalli Taluk, Shimoga Dist.
Email: shannade@rediffmail.com

Prominent members of IVU from India

Promoting Vegetarianism Worldwide since 1908
Regd. Office: Parkdale, Dunham Road, Cheshire , WA14 4QG, UK
India & South/West Asia Regional Coordinator :
P.O. Box-17, Byndoor-576214, Udupi Dist., Karnataka, India
Website: www.ivu.org Email: vn.shankar@yahoo.co.in

Prominent members of IVU from India

The Vegetarian Society (Reverence for Life)
114A, Mittal Court, Nariman Point, Mumbai -400021
Website: vegsocmumbai.com
Email: vegsocmumbai@hotmail.com

Indian Vegetarian Congress
No. 12, (17), 2nd Floor
Damodaran Street, Gopalapuram, Chennai -600086

Indian Vegan Society
P.O.Box-17, Byndoor-576214, Udupi Dist., Karnataka
Email: indianvegansociety@rediffmail.com

Asian Vegetarian Union
114A, Mittal Court, Nariman Point, Mumbai- 400021

Vegetarian Society of Delhi
Ahimsa Bhawan, F-125, Lado Sarai, New Delhi-110030


PRAYER - Lord of Humility!

Dwelling in the little pariah hut
Help us to search for Thee throughout
That fair land watered by Ganges,
Brahrmaputra and Jamuna.
Give us receptiveness.
Give us open heartedness.
Give us Thy humility.
Give us the ability and willingness.
To identify ourselves
with the masses of India.
O God !
Who does help only when man
Feels utterly humble. Grant that we
may not be isolated from the people.
We would serve as servants and friends.
Let us be embodiments of self sacrifices,
Embodiments of godliness,
Humility personified, that we may know
the land better and love it more.

- Mahatma Gandhi


[1] If someone defames you or insults you, shower him with flowers, smiles and good wishes.

[2] If I keep the weaknesses of others in my mind, they soon become a part of me.

[3] If clouds remain in the mind, water will fall from the eyes.

[4] Even if you are sick and become a patient, you must never lose patience.

[5] To tolerate someone else’s mistake is one thing. To forgive them is even greater.

[6] If someone keeps laughing at you, don’t fret. At least you are giving happiness.


The underlying principle of vegetarianism is ‘non-violence (ahinsa)’ or live and let live. ‘Non-violence cannot be practiced while eating animals or cruelly exploited animal products. Therefore, the practice of non-violence has to begin with our diet. Veganism, the natural extension of vegetarianism, is an integral component of a cruelty-free lifestyle. While vegetarianism is avoiding animals diet, veganism is about avoiding animals in the complete lifestyle, including diet.
Pressure on an expanding population to pursue material gain at the expense of morality and respect for life has brought mass exploitation and destruction of other for beings for food and other benefits. To arrest this trend and make the world we live in gentler, we promote a cruelty-free lifestyle called veganism and vegetarianism as an important step towards veganism. True vegetarianism or veganism provides the foundation for an ethical lifestyle whereby all beings can live in peace and harmony.
Vegans believe that animals have their own lives to live and are not our property to eat, use, experiment, entertain, etc. Animals are not dead ‘things’ but are living beings having the same pain and pleasure we experience. When humans use (abuse) animals, it is unlikely that they care for the needs of the animals. Living vegan who is morally correct and provides numerous benefits to our own health, animals’ lives and the environment. A person who is kind and compassionate to animals is most likely to be so human too.

What you can do ?

Support the “Indian Vegan Society” and the “International Vegetarian Union”. Big or small, your contribution is important, to make the world kinder. Try to avoid all animal products in your diet. While shopping, don’t buy animal product as far as possible; be confident and ask for cruelty-free products only. Don’t patronize zoos, circuses, animal races, shows etc. and don’t use animals for rides, transport or experimentation. When you use animal products, please remember that they come from silently suffering animals that cannot defend themselves against the collective might of humans.

Be proud that you don't eat or exploit animals for your pleasure. Tell others to be kind to animals and ask them to be vegetarians and vegans. Help animals live the life nature intended them to live.

A Regd. Charity Estd. in 1908 in the U.K. to promote vegetarianism worldwide.
Region : India , South & West Asia
vn.shankar@yahoo.co.in Web: http://ivu.org

A non-profit, non-religious, non-political organization promoting cruelty-free lifestyle.


“BWC Rally for International Animal Rights Day”

Beauty Without Cruelty, organized a rally and different street plays on the occasion of international animal rights day (10 Dec 2008).

I congratulate to BWC for this kind work. I am writing the same article in my blog. This article was published in BWC journal “compassionate Friend” and written by Amruta Ubale. She is a BWC education officer.
At BWC, of course every day is an animal right day. This year we decided to mark the animal rights day by conducting an awareness campaign. In Oct. 2008 , I initiated a plan for organizing rallies at Bhopal, Pune and Delhi to mark international animal rights day. We decided to hold it on Mahatma Gandhi, a busting Pune shopping area.

Cruelty is inflicted on animals for innumerable reasons, but we decided to highlight two of them:

[1] The cruelty behind meat production
[2] The cruelty behind leather production

Meat and leather production take millions of lives. We wanted to show that there are healthy alternatives. We also wanted to disseminate the message to leather users that a range of animal-friendly materials are available to them.

We came up with a blue and green ribbon to invest the international animal rights day with a unique symbol – blue to signify animal rights and green, the vegetarian idea. BWC hopes to see all animal activists wearing this ribbon at all venues.

To focus awareness on the cruelties of meat and leather production, we prepared two handbills for distribution: one was the declaration and the other, “3 Good reasons to Go Veg” and “3Good reasons to stop using Leather”

3 Good Reasons to Go Veg

[1] Cruelty behind Meat Production
[2] Concern for our Health
[3] Eating Meat = Eating Earth’s Resources

3 Good Reasons to Stop Using Leather

[1] Not a By-product
[2] Murder of Animals
[3] Using Leather at the cost of our Environment

To heighten people’s empathy with our message, we came up with the idea of street plays.
First Pune Rally

We invited ISCON, the Sadhu Vaswani Mission, Sai baba Foundation, Jain Temples and others which believe in, and promote, vegetarian lifestyle. This was the first rally to be organized by BWC in Pune.

After each performance of play, we displayed anti-meat and anti-leather placard, shouting slogans like: “Meat is murder”, Stop killing animals for food”, “Stop killing animals for leather”, “Use synthetic leather”, “Veggies rock”, “Beat meat with green”, “Lose red, choose green”, “No meat- no heat”, “Go Veg—live long”, “Live and let live”, and save the animals, save the world”. Supporters joined us as we walked along, so we were eventually 90-100 strong.

Handbills were distributed after each play performance. BWC members, Aloka Deane , Amit Mahalle and I led the crowd to ensure optimum enthusiasm throughout the rally, rendering it an attention-getter for passers-by.

The peppy, enthusiastic crowd, with colorful placard and messages, the reverberating voices of 90-100 people chanting animal rights slogans, children enacting animals situations … the energy generated by the event was awesome.

The rally made the masses aware of cruelty to animals, alternatives to animal products, and that there are people who deliver a message of compassion to support animal rights.

International Consumer's Day - 15 March

12 Painful Questions .........

All animals are asking these questions from all of us.

[1] Why have or celebrities not learnt to shoot with a camera instead of guns ?

[2] Just because it looks like a jewel, can you justify it being converted into jewellery ?

[3] A wolf in sheep’s clothing …. Lamb’s wool?

[4] Fish feel pain, like we do, yet fishy business , eh ?

[5] Can God, the creator, feel happy when a life is sacrificed for him ?

[6] Do you know cheap Chinese furry trinkets, toys and display items could very well be of cat ( or dog) fur ?

[7] You eat no meat, then how come you use leather ?

[8] Naag-Panchmi – festivities meant to honour snakes – actually ends up hurting them.

[9] Rabbits bred in back-yard and sold by the kilo …. Did you know that’s how the white furry cap materialized ?

[10] Is it worth boiling alive 15000 silk moths in their cocoons for one silk saree ?

[11] Monkey business – how can a certain primate make another dance to his tune ?

[12] One wonders who is foolish and who is wise ….. the wise owl or the foolish man who performs black magic ?

12 Painful Questions ……, open your eyes….. Friends …….

Note : With the help of BWC 2009 calendar. Thanks to BWC.


Ahinsa Paramo Dahrmah !

Ahins Paramo Dharmah …. Is the foundation stone of the Jain faith, the statement of non-violence for which Mahatma Gandhi lived, and for “Beauty Without Cruelty” the principle for a way of life which causes no creature of land, sea or air any terror, torture or death.

In many ways, the life of an insect is no less precious than that of a human. All creatures, wild and domesticated, big and small (including us) have an inherent desire to live. We need to therefore remind ourselves that we have no given right to harm, torture, exploit or kill. Not for food, not for adornment , not for entertainment , nor for religion …….. never.

“Beauty Without Cruelty” is a way of life which causes no creature of land, sea or air terror, torture or death.

For more details , please contact :

4, Prince of Wales Drive , Wanowrie,
Pune – 411040

Tel: (020) 26861166 Fax: (020) 26861420
Email: admin@bwcindia.org Website : http://www.bwcindia.org/


[1] Where there is no love, there cannot be peace. Where there is no purity, there cannot be love.
[2] Pure love is the basis of eternal relationships.
[3] Pure manners are filled with grace, impure manners are disgraceful.
[4] If your thoughts are pure, it becomes easy to say what you think and do what you say.
[5] Be yourself, be natural. It is far easier than pretending to be someone else.
[6] There is great beauty in simplicity. That which is simple is close to Truth.


Introduction to Veganism

Adopting a Vegan Lifestyle

Vegans believe, that animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on or use for entertainment. This belief stems from their compassion and reverence for all sentient beings. A vegan lifestyle not only alleviates animal sufferings; it is better for the environment and immensely benefits one’s health.

Leather, wool, fur, reptile skins, ivory, musk scent have been extracted from animals that once bore them for their own protection. But, you can buy cruelty-free plant fiber/synthetic alternatives, readily available at all stores. Non-leather shoes are available, as are handbags and belts.

From this principle follows the specific actions, such as not eating animal flesh, dairy, eggs or honey; not buying leather, wool or silk, avoiding products made by companies that test on animals or have animal ingredients, avoiding zoos and animal based circuses.

By not consuming the product that come from animal exploitation, each individual is making a statement against inhumane practice, undertaking as economic boycott, and supporting the production of vegan products with their subsequent choices. These decisions and the message they send to others, help to move society from industries that use animals as a means to human ends.

Advantages of a Vegan Lifestyle

From the first, you will find that your resistance is better to common cold and fevers. This is because dairy products reduce immunity. Over the long term, medicine has proved that you will have less than half the risk of developing heart disease, respiratory disorders, osteoporosis or even cancer ! ( Read The Food Revolution, John Robbins, now available in India)

Making the Change to a Vegan Diet

For an Indian vegetarian, giving up milk and dairy products is the biggest decision, But remember that you will be relieving that suffering of thousands of dairy cows and calves who will end up in the slaughter-houses within the first 5 years of their lives, or when the mil yield diminishes.

Soya milk, coconut milk and peanut milk are all alternatives available in India, but it is easier to make small lifestyle changes instead. If you have lemon tea or mint tea instead of adding milk, the change to veganism is hardly noticeable.

It takes an average of 40 days for a lifestyle change to become a habit.

“The animals of the world exist for there own reasons. They were not made for humans any more that black people were made for white, or woman created for men.”
Alice Walker, Author of “The Color Purple”

Many thanks to PETA (United States)

Today, I received this Recipe from PETA (United States)

Creamy Chive Mashed Potatoes

Round out a flavorful meal of home-cooked comfort foods with a side of seasoned mashed potatoes.

5 large potatoes, diced
1 cup liquid nondairy creamer (try Silk brand)
2 Tbsp. margarine
1/4 cup chopped fresh chives
Salt and pepper, to taste

[1] Place the potatoes in a large pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes.

[2] Drain the potatoes, place in a bowl with the remaining ingredients, and mix until smooth.

[3] Serve hot.

Makes 4 to 5 servings


[1] If you have the habit of waiting for others, you will get left behind.

[2] Good books are like good company. Obscene literature pollutes our minds and leads us to wrong paths.

[3] No matter how great your words may be, you will be judged by your actions.

[4] If you miss an opportunity, do not cloud your eyes with tears. Keep your vision clear so that you will not miss the next time.

[5] Sticks and stones break bones – words often break relationship.

[6] Do you UNDERSTAND the Tree of life or do you simply STAND UNDER its branches ?

Note: The Thoughts have been taken from the book "Thought for Today"


Do you care about animals ? Do you care about the environment ? Do you care about other people? What about your family’s health? If the answer to any (or hopefully all) of these questions is Yes, then we have got another question for you:


If you want to prevent animals from suffering unnecessarily, to help reduce deforestation, water pollution and global warming, to avoid contributing to the hunger of the world’s poorest people, and to look after your health and that of your family now and in the future, then it’s time to make some positive choices.

You have the choice to use the power your purse to take control – to raise your hand and say ‘enough is enough’. What you buy and the way you live has a direct impact on the way the world works, and it’s time to make a conscious decision that impact will be a positive one.

By choosing to live a life free from animal product you choose a path that is kinder to people, animals and the environment. In fact, there are so many good reasons to reject meat, eggs and dairy products and so many delicious animal free alternatives that the real question is not ‘WHY VEGAN?’ but ‘WHY NOT?’

To join or support the “Indian Vegan Society”, write to Mr Shankar Narayan
Email: indianvegansociety@rediffmail.com



(International Vegan Centre for Yoga, Meditation, Relaxation and Rejuvenation)

Gita identifies the person with the True Human Nature by the Sanskrit name "Sthitaprajna (Perfect Yogi). Sthita means stable, Prajna is mind / intellect / wisdom. Sthitaprajna is a person whose mind has stabilized. According to Gita , Sthitarajna attains the Universal Wisdom and Eternal Peace by abandoning the illusory pain and sufferings.

Sthitaprajna, is a charitable vegan community located close to the western coast of south India in the state of Karnataka, on the footsteps of western ghats, a world hot spot of bio-diversity. Sthitaprajna is spread over about 3 acres of vibrant nature along a seasonal natural stream. Nearest airport is Mangalore(140 kms) and the Railway Station is Byndoor (12 kms) . Direct daily bus services available from major cities like Mumbai, Chennai and Bangalore.

At, Sthitaprajna one learns to live a life in a state of constant happiness with good health and in harmony with nature (animals and earth) using minimum resources available in the nature. We have healthy vegan food with emphasis on organically grown ingredients procured from local sources. We plan to grow stock free organic vegetables and other produces wherever possible.

At Sthitaprajna, we plan to have a yoga hall for the practice of yoga, pranayama and meditation. It is an eco-friendly place for relaxation and rejuvenation having very basic amenities with places for reading and listening to soulful music, playing indoor and outdoor games, cooking and eating, connecting with the external world using telephone, email and internet. One may involve in other activities like cooking, cleaning , gardening etc in the campus. Trekking along the mountains, village walk, visit to beach, ex-cursions to nearly temple towns like Kollur, Murdeshwar , Udupi and Dharmasthala can be other options.

STHITA PRAJNA is an associate of Indian Vegan Society and International Vegetarian Union and slated to open on world Vegan Day on 1st November 2009

For more Details please contact :

Mr. Shankar Narayan
P.O. Box-17, Byndoor, Kundanpur Taluk,Udupi Dist. , Karnataka, India
Mobile: 0091-9341128767
Email: indianvegansociety@rediffmail.com


Promoting Vegetarianism Worldwide since 1908

Regd. Office : Pardale, Dunham Road , Cheshire , WA14 4 QG , U.K.

Promoting Healthy, Happy, Kind, Compassionate & Cruelty – free Lifestyle


Member : International Vegetarian Union (IVU), U.K.

Indian Vegan Society is a non-profit organization promoting plant based diet and a lifestyle in harmony with nature by organizing vegan events, humane education programs in schools , public talks , newspaper articles , music programs etc.

Membership is open to all those who accept the principles of Veganism.
For more Details please contact :

Mr. Shankar Narayan : India & South/West Asia Regional Coordinator
P.O. Box-17, Byndoor – 577214 , Udupi Dist. , Karnataka, India
Website : http://ivu.org/ Email: indianvegansociety@rediffmail.com


Thoughts for a Powerful "Wednesday" :-

[1] When there is faith and victory in the mind, success can be gained. If the thoughts are weak, there is defeat.

[2] If God is my Father, Teacher, Guide etc. How can I have fear of anything in this physical world ?

[3] We all must face problems, but it is how you face them that counts.

[4] Problems in the world will increase; therefore, you should increase your capacity for dealing with problems.

[5] If you give your heart to God, you will not get heart attacks.

[6] Self-control will give you unlimited control.



Thought are the food of the mind. A new thought everyday will not only be fresh food but will provide the necessary nutrition and stimulant needed to keep the mind healthy and enthusiastic about life. In this day of disruption and chaos, this is important.

Each day has its own "Special for the day". MONDAY - Peaceful; TUESDAY-Loveful; WEDNESDAY-Powerful; THURSDAY-Knowledgeful; FRIDAY-Pure; SATURDAY-Merciful; SUNDAY-Blissful. Each offering a full selection from which to feast the mind.

It is recommended Grade "A" diet.

Love is indeed almost powerful force. It can take us to great heights and leave us light and airy. True love is based on understanding, mutual trust and respect, not simply on emotions. Love is being in balance, that is, in harmony with the self, God and our fellow men. Love is selflessness. Without love , all of life's treasures are locked away from our vision and experiences, for indeed "Love is the key".

[1] Every situation in life must be faced, and so why not face it with love?

[2] Happiness is lost when any thought of envy or hatred creeps in. Thoughts of love and good wishes cure sorrow.

[3] No one tortures you except your own nature. Make your nature sweet and loveable; then win the love of all.

[4] If you are alone, you have no value. But if you are loving, sweet an co-operative in company, then you are valuable.

[5] We all consider ourselves to be part of MANKIND….Yes we ARE part of MAN, but how KIND are we?

[6] Is it possible to have unity in a nation when each one feels that he is, better than his neighbour.

"The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University"

Last week, I went to Mount abu and visited "The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University" (Raja Yoga Centre). This university is dedicated to the moral and spiritual upliftment of humanity.

I would like to share my experiences with all of you। I have taken all this matter from the book "THOUGHT FOR TODAY".

The University is not out to convert anyone, or to make anyone into a follower. It helps to create leaders, not followers. The classes are open to persons of all faiths, ages, races and backgrounds. The University is completely independent and charges nothing for its services.